New Beginnings
Dearest reader,
This author finds herself compelled to share the most curious of news.
I’m returning to blogging! Sharing why I stopped and what you can expect going forward. Keep reading on! (BTW, if you haven’t watched Bridgerton yet…you need to!).
So Why Did I Stop?
When COVID started things changed so drastically. There was a lot of current events happening that were way bigger than this blog. I started a few drafts but I couldn’t bring myself to publish them because it felt tone deaf to talk about fashion outfits and fitness regimes when there was (and still is) way more important things happening in our world.
Stuttering was especially hard to write about. I notice my stutter the most when talking face to face with people, so the shift to remote and staying-at-home life took away opportunities to notice and feel emotional about my stutter. There wasn’t any pressure to sound perfect in the workplace, there weren’t any in-person meetings with new people, or social outings where I would’ve had to introduce myself, etc. Therefore, stuttering just kind of disappeared!
With stuttering and blogging on the back burner, I spent more time educating myself on human rights issues, BLM, voting and politics. I’m embarrassed to say that I didn’t know a lot about current events and couldn’t contribute to conversations and have facts to support my opinions. I’ve made it a personal goal to become more educated on current events and that’s continuing into 2021. I’ve enjoyed the newsletters that I’ve subscribed to, as well as the paper copy of The New York Times that I get every Sunday. It feels sophisticated and mature to read a paper copy of the Times. It’s the little things, ya know? Also, the arts and culture and cooking section is amazing! I can’t believe I’ve missed out on this for so long.
In addition to all of this, the holidays came and went and Ryan and I were apartment searching during December and early January. We settled down in Baltimore and have been adjusting to a new life in 764 square feet! So now, on top of everything else, interior design and figuring out how to organize my life into a smaller space have found a nook in my brain to occupy. It is HARD trying to put together a nice place! I have so much respect for interior designers. There’s just so many options out there, it’s overwhelming!
What You Can Expect Going Forward
Fun posts about fashion, fitness, cooking, interior design, and random thoughts. I’m excited to come back to this blog. I’ve had this itch to come back to blogging for a few months but didn’t have the time for it. Now that things have settled down with the move, and I finally have a good work routine down, I can go back to feeding my creative side with some fun blogs.
Whoever you are, thanks for reading this blog post and any others. It means a lot that someone else wants to take a few minutes out of their day to read the words that my little fingers have produced. Thanks for sticking by my side!