My First Summer Vacation of 2020
Ah, summer of 2020. By far, the most interesting one we’ve had yet. I had a few travel plans that got totally thrown out the window (on the plus side, I’ll have a bunch of Southwest airline credit for 2022…yay!). However, one vacation was able to pop up and it was so. much. fun. Laughs were had, memories were made, and Jaja Ding Dong was sang so many times it’s going to be stuck in my head for the rest of my life. Has anyone seen Eurovision on Netflix? I heard it was interesting…and apparently the music is very popular.
For my birthday this year, I was able to go on a weekend cabin getaway in Bayse, Virginia. I went with the same friends (and the only friends) I’ve seen since this virus started. I know and trust these friends 1,000% to be safe during this pandemic, so I felt really comfortable with them. We kept to ourselves the whole weekend and the only outing we did was to a winery (and we were one of three groups there, super spread out, etc.).
It was quite a special birthday this year because A. I turned 25! Which means I’m halfway to 30. And B. I got to actually celebrate with my friends! If you have a summer birthday, especially mid to late summer, you know the struggle of wanting to make plans with your friends but everyone is always out of town. So I’m really glad I got to celebrate with them. I felt so special and loved all weekend.
Below are some pics from our weekend cabin getaway (I love looking through these! Such a good time and I really hope we can have another adventure again sometime soon). We took the longer route to the cabin so we could have a more scenic drive, we swam in the nearby lake, cooked family style dinners, visited a winery, and went hiking! All in all a busy but super fun weekend.

Ah, what a weekend. Something else monumental that happened from this weekend was that it turned me into a seltzer girl. I never thought I would buy into the white claw, bud light seltzer club, but here I am at the beach going out of my way to find some refreshing seltzers! Lol.
Anyways, I hope you all are able to find some fun and safe activities to do during the rest of the summer. I realize that this looks very careless, and we definitely did take a risk by traveling together, but I felt really okay with it, and so did they because we all know and trust each other and our families to be very safe. Enjoy the rest of the summer! Yeesh…August is next week!