Demi Boot Jeans
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This post is dedicated to these gorgeous demi boot jeans by Madewell! I absolutely LOVE these jeans. I’ve been a jeans girl forever (usually skinny jeans), but was itching to get back into some flared jeans and decided to give these a try. My recommendation if you’re on the fence about trying a new style of jeans is to DO IT. Anything can be considered fashionable and trendy these days, which is basically a free pass to experiment with your personal style as much as you want!

I always buy Madewell jeans because they’re high quality (hence the company name) and extremely comfortable. Madewell is a very ethical company and they emphasize environmental initiatives and show lots of support for local businesses. Since I work for a small business, this is something that’s always important to me when I chose where to shop. I’ve never had a bad experience with their customer service either! They’re also very generous with their student/teacher discount. Just show them your ID and you can get 15% off your entire purchase!
Now onto the jeans themselves; they’re stretchy but don’t shrink in the dryer and the colors never seem to fade. I own both the regular fit and the tall fit, featured here. I came to own the tall version by accident (classic Ariel, not checking the tags thoroughly) and I ended up liking them so much that I just kept them! The difference between the two styles is the tall pair is obviously meant for taller women, so the flared part falls lower on your ankle. I wear both styles to work, but usually opt for the regular pair because they look dressier whereas the tall pair looks more trendy. In this post I’m wearing the regular fit with a casual shirt and a fun hat. You can also pair them with a blazer and flats or heels for work!

Next up on my never ending Madewell wishlist is a white pair of these beauties! And of course their entire spring collection.. have you seen it!? Everything is so so so cute! Have a great week, and thanks for reading!

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