Jean Skirt Outfits
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Hi there! Welcome back to my blog. Today’s post is about styling a jean skirt. Jean skirts are a great spring and summer staple. I say that as if I’ve always owned one, when in reality I bought my first one last month, ha! This little number is from from Forever21 (a great place to shop for basic pieces!) and the quality is pretty decent. The front tie gives it a little something extra and it’s also super comfy! In this blog post, I’m presenting two very different ways to wear one jean skirt, because.. well, ya gotta get more bang for your buck!

Related: Demi Boot Jeans
You can never go wrong with a tshirt & converse combo. Even though it’s a rather “basic” outfit, it’s popular for a reason! Simple, comfy, and can be worn just about anywhere. To mix things up I threw on this yellow bandana from Madewell (I own a ton of these! Wearing the same one in red below). Something else you could do to jazz it up is take out the front tie and replace it with a fancier belt!

If you’re looking to dress up a jean skirt, pull on some fancy tights and a study pair of boots. I looooove this look so much! You can swap out the black boots for brown, white, or really any other color shoes with this outfit. Here I’m wearing my all time favorite pair of Frye boots and some fun tights from Urban Outfitters. This is also a great fall outfit, too!
I’m SO happy the warm weather is finally here! All of this rain we’ve gotten has made the flowers last way longer than usual so I’m soaking up every bit I can. I even started buying flowers for my room AND they haven’t died yet! (When you’re someone who cannot keep even a single plant alive, this is a big deal, ha!). My sisters wedding is coming up next weekend (eeek, twelve years in the making!) so things have been pretty centered around that. I’m planning on doing a wedding recap of the whole event, so stay tuned! I cannot wait for them to finally be married and for the wedding to take place. It’s going to be so fun! I hope ya’ll have a great week!

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